Talks and presentations
Upcoming talks and posters
- Maybe EGU25
- Maybe Ocean Science 2026
Past talks and posters
- EGU24 - Podium presentation - [abstract]
- IGS online Seminar - Online presentation - [access]
- SIP Follow on: Mathematics of sea ice in the twenty-first century - Oral presentation - [access]
- YOPP Final Summit - Oral presentation - [access]
- 6th ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference 2021 - Online [access]
- vEGU21 - Online - PICO talk and presentaton [access]
- AGU Fall Meeting 2020 - Online - Virtual Poster presentation [access]
- Sea Ice at the Interface - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 18–23 August 2019 - Poster presentation [access]
- The Annual European Rheology Conference - April 8-11, 2019, Portorož, Slovenia - Podium presentation [access]
- Mathematics of sea ice phenomena Workshop: Ice fracture and cracks - 4-8 December 2017 - Poster Presentation